Hello hello hello, Gerard here. I'm talking about Texas today. Texas used car dealer license requirements are unique in a couple of ways. First of all, everything is done online. Your entire licensing process is paperless, as you submit your application online through their e-licensing portal. I have the link to the portal on my website (link will be below this video). But before you do anything, you need to apply for your GDN (General Distinguishing Number). This is also done online and is the actual license designation. You need to determine whether you are an independent dealer or a consumer in the public. Since you are a dealer, you select that option. Before you proceed further in the process, make sure you find a location in Texas for your facility. Your location should be able to support at least five cars for display if you are an independent used-car dealer. When the inspector comes, they will measure your facility to ensure it meets this requirement. So, it's important not to fall short of that and have to redo that part. One of the good things I like about Texas is that everything can be done online, even for consumers who buy cars from you. They can get their own temporary tags online and file everything online. They just need to show proof of insurance. So, after you secure your facility, you can find a dealer or use Craigslist to find a place suitable for used car dealers that can accommodate at least five cars. I have all the required forms linked below for your convenience. The next important aspect is getting your surety bond. It's a $25,000 bond called a Motor Dealer Bond. If your credit score is 650 or lower, you can expect to spend between $1,000 and...
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Selling a car in texas Form: What You Should Know
Form 130-U, Form 130.01-MV and Form 130.01-K) and send the completed title, form 130-U, or the completed Form 130.01-MV to the vehicle buyer's address as shown on the form. For more information see Texas Registration and Titles. You must register your vehicle when your vehicle passes inspection. You can register your vehicle at any time during the two-month processing period: Your vehicle's odometer reading must be 8,500 as a minimum but may be higher. You must be ready to pay your registration and titling fees.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Selling a car in texas