Hello, this is Dave at titlesearch.com. Today we're going to talk about running title searches in Texas. Our firm covers all counties in Texas. There are about two hundred and fifty counties in the state. It's one of the largest states in the country. I think it's the second largest by land volume. So, we have people spread out all the way from the Gulf all the way up to the panhandle of Oklahoma and cover all those counties. In almost every county, we have examiners in the records room every day in the courthouses until they kick us out at five o'clock. We're pulling the documents needed for the searches. In a few of the remote counties, we may have one examiner that shuffles back and forth between the two counties. But in either case, they're going to be there either that day or the next day. Texas has some very interesting rules about recording documents and title searches. First of all, the foreclosure volume that we're seeing in Texas is much higher. The state has a foreclosure backlog that's pretty stout. We're seeing some of those being released into the marketplace. It is also mostly a non-judicial state, meaning that a deed of trust is used as opposed to a mortgage. And that means that the foreclosure doesn't have to go through the court system. Something else we see pretty commonly in Texas are oil and gas and mineral rights documents. In some cases, a property has a mineral rights chain that's separate from the land title. At some point, the rights of ownership of the subsurface elements could be oil and gas, could be minerals, could be whatever are separated from the surface land and they run as a separate ownership for many, many years. Sometimes, that separation happened...
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Texas title check Form: What You Should Know
It is not required in order to obtain or transfer ownership of a motor vehicle. The filing of this application is required to enroll a vehicle in the vehicle registration and title programs. (For more detailed information on vehicle records, please refer to our page on Titles and registrations in our online library.) To make a Title or Registration application, use the following link to the application tool. After you've saved it, you can use it by clicking on the link and following the instructions. (For more detailed information on vehicle records, please refer to our page on Titles and registrations in our online library.) NOTE: The fees for the vehicle registration and title programs are in addition to the fee required for other vehicle services. They are nonrefundable in the event your application is rejected. NOTE: Title and registration is obtained by taking a photo of the vehicle registered with your county and sending it as an attachment in your Application for Texas title and/or registration (130-U). You may have the following fees to pay for the vehicle registration: Title/Registration Fee (Title & Registration Tax) 3.00 Title and Registration (Title Tax) Title, license plates, registration fees — 7.00 Transfer of State Licenses & Registration Title or registration fees not to exceed 1.00 In addition, the Department of Motor Vehicles requires that you purchase a replacement license plate when the license plates on your current vehicle have expired: (If you have a suspended or revoked license, you will be charged for replacement license plates). NOTE: If your driver's or commercial licenses have expired, and you wish to renew your vehicle registration (including vehicle registration and title), your fee will be the fee charged for your current Registration and Title. NOTE: A new license plate will be mailed to you. You will need that license plate number to register the vehicle.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Texas title check